Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Tough day, Ken! We started off with a pleasant little dance through the genre analysis - as in a disco fox we went through the various steps it took to analyze the genres and understand the unique natures of the movies Barbie and Oppenheimer. The analysis highlighted the fun and innovative twist on Barbie’s attributed genres that ultimately made it so unique and enjoyable to watch and how Oppenheimer is a very well-constructed drama movie. We also identified some common topics like urbanity and marine-related things, however Barbie and Oppenheimer are fundamentally different.

Instead of an afterparty this dance was followed by a trip from Barbieland to the real world where we discovered the features and frequencies of MBTI character types in both movies and real life. Furthermore, we explored what would happen if the Barbie, Ken, and Robert J. Oppenheimer characters would have been replaced by the highest grossing character with the same MBTI. And to be honest I still have this image in my head of what it would look like if the “new Barbie and Ken (a.k.a. Deb and Nemo from Finding Nemo)” are floating around in Barbie’s Dreamhouse…

After this excursion, which fortunately only consisted of scrolling and not an actual difficult journey with many bizarre obstacles, we arrived at Ken’s favorite place: the beach. Here we looked into the many features that can influence the success of a movie. This includes various analyses such as diversity, ethnic groups, the movie's release year and last but not least we circle back to the charcater archetypes.

Now you can finally relax, sit back on the beach, enjoy the sun - or if it’s not that time of the year: enjoy Barbie or Oppenheimer in a cozy spot with some of your favorite snacks… Which one will it be?

Still reading? Hungry for more? Consider giving in to the many links to our More Info page and take a deeper dive into the genre topics, the MBTI character types (you might meet some of your other favorite fictional characters) and more! Thank you for coming along - see you in the sequels ;)